Friday, May 6, 2011

Only Art—3 projects

There’s no sense in getting bogged down in too many words…I just checked in to share some completed projects!

“Dream with Your Eyes Open”
took a LONG time to finish, because there is a hidden project underneath that just wasn’t working for me. Since it had pictures of my grandkids, I tortured myself about covering up the images…but it just didn’t work ARTISTICALLY. (I’m working on a replacement project.)

On the other hand “Decisions, Decisions”
was completed quite quickly, and I’m just as happy with the final “product.” Oh, that they would all flow so easily!

“Drawing without an eraser”
is my first completed digital piece (not including the goofy Photoshop picture of me!) I’ve still got a lot to learn, but the process is grand fun!
Digital supplies were from DeviantScrap and ScrapGirls.

Enough playing for me…kitchen chores beckon!


  1. Linda...

    The results of your creativity astound me! I am wild about both "Decisions, Decisions" and "Eraser". So different and so grand, each in its own way. Your continued inspiration is much appreciated.

    Big love,


  2. Absolutely wonderful Linda. That digital piece looks amazing! I dont even know how/where to start with something like that. I love it. And the first one has such great color layering. Super cool. Keep em coming Linda! Good things...

  3. Hi Linda,

    They are all beautiful and thought-provoking. I love your art!


  4. Way cool! I am in love with the digital piece (How does that work?)...maybe you could teach me one day. More art please. :)
    ~ Gina

  5. You are amazing. Oh drats! Blast! Now I'm going to want to decide which is my favorite! Deja'vu! Like trying to decide which of your songs were my favorite. Can't be done! You really are the "excel" of excellent.

  6. Wow, you can be totally proud of these. Is that your handwriting on "Dream with your eyes open"? I love the bird and all the layers. The second one is perfect. The pattern piece overlay is brilliant,all about creating something, right? And number three? It's wonderful!! Keep it up, GF!!

  7. these pieces of art are gorgeous! i really like them very much... are you taking classes or just figuring these out on your own? keep it up... they are such great color combos!


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